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Indonesia Traditional Cloth Of Batik
Batik, who can deny the beauty of this Indonesian’s famous traditional cloth. read»

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Total Member : 30 clients

Teak Wood Furniture
Teak Wood Furniture
Republic Furnitures, a manufacturer which has exclusively produces indoor and outdoor furniture products include table, teak furniture set, teak chair, outdoor furniture, and others. This company has been the leading of teak wood furnitures with more than 20 years experienced consistenly producing and exporting products.
Anindo Furniture
Anindo Furniture
Anindo Furniture manufacturers indoor and outdoor furniture from teak wood, sungkai wood, mindi wood for retail shops, resorts, hotel projects, restaurants, etc. The company is located in Jepara, Central Java and has succeeded in convincing the international market. Recently, Anindo has exported to Australia, European countries, America, and Latin America.
Teak Garden Furniture
Teak Garden Furniture
Mutiara Jepara Indofurni has been a leading Indonesian furniture manufacturer, furniture supplier, wholesaler, and exporter of teak wood furniture based in Jepara since 1998. The company has exported to many countries in the world, including the European, American, Middle Eastern, and Asian markets.
Cantik Rattan
Cantik Rattan
The rattan furniture product of Cantik Rattan manufacturer is dirt-repellent, very solid environmentally friendly, toxic-free, and recyclable. The furniture is friendly for 4 seasons, from pouring rain to the burning sun. The manufacture of the rattan products is located in Cirebon, West Java.
Mahogany Crafter
Mahogany Crafter
Located in Jepara, Central Java, Mahoni Crafter is a company that running for wooden furniture products. The products are vary from Antique Reproduction Furniture, Bar Furniture, Bed set furniture and more.
Janoko Furniture
Janoko Furniture
Janoko Furniture, is a manufacturer and exporter for antique reproduction furniture. It located in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia and the company products are focus on teak, pacific oak and mahogany mainly material.
Jepara Indo Furniture
Jepara Indo Furniture
Settled in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia, Jepara Indo Furniture is a manufacture and international exporter of solid teak, mahogany, indoor and outdoor furniture. The productions are vary from indoor furniture like bed set, dining set, mirror and more; while in outdoor, there is gerden furniture and poly rattan.
Ina Antique Furniture
Ina Antique Furniture
Ina Antique Furniture is furniture manufacturer that concentrated in antique reproduction furniture and teak garden furniture produces armoires, beds, bookcases, dressing table mirror, fireplaces, hall stands, etc. It is located in Jepara � Central Java.
Elegan Furniture
Elegan Furniture
Elegan Furniture is a furniture company in Jepara, Central Java - Indonesia which offers Classic Style, Colonial Style, French Style and Minimalist Style furnitures. Those products are made from selected legal timber and carved by skilled craftsman.
Elegance Direct
Elegance Direct
Elegance Direct is a company that running as an exported and manufacturer of antique wooden furniture which has located in Jepara, Central Java. Its furniture products are including; bed, armoire, bookcase, chair, dining room set, living room set, bench, bench set, table, dressing table, etc.
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